Approvals Process

Most wind energy projects in New South Wales are considered State Significant Developments (SSD). Development applications for SSD projects are assessed by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces.

It is expected that The Pines Wind Farm will be assessed as an SSD project. Before a development application can be submitted, we need to apply for Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) relating to the project. The SEARS set out the environmental assessment requirements for the project and form the basis of the Environmental Impact Statement. To request the SEARs we need to prepare a scoping report.

To inform the scoping report for the project, we will be starting detailed surveys and investigations at the project site. These include:

  • Wind monitoring
  • Bat and bird surveys
  • Ecology
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Noise and visual impact
  • Geotechnical
  • Lidar and feature surveys
  • Traffic impact assessments

These assessments, along with input from the community, will inform the design of the wind farm, and the locations of infrastructure that are used in the final development application for submission to the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure. 
We will continue to engage with landowners, traditional owners and the community during this time and will provide regular updates on progress.

Approvals process