About the Project 

In May 2024, Forestry Corporation of NSW granted TagEnergy an Investigations Permit to explore the feasibility of a wind farm in parts of their softwood plantations. The permit covers plantation areas in Gurnang, part of Mt David, and parts of Vulcan south of Black Springs. All proposed wind turbines would be more than 15km from Oberon.

Potential locations for project infrastructure have been selected with a focus on minimising impacts to the local community, the environment and forest operations

Permit area
State Forest Land
no wind turbines

Project Timeline

Project timeline

Project Design

Project Design

We have released a draft wind turbine layout for discussion with neighbouring landowners and the community. The draft layout shows approximately 250 wind turbines within the permit area in the State's softwood plantations. It is expected that this layout will evolve as the design progresses in response to community feedback and the outcomes of detailed studies.

We will be reaching out to neighbours, traditional owners, and the local community to seek feedback to further inform the project design.

Wind Turbines

The number and location of turbines will be determined throughout the investigations and Planning and Approvals phases. The wind turbines would be a maximum of 300 metres tall. Wind turbine locations will be selected with a focus on minimising impacts to the environment, forest operations, and the local community


The Pines Wind Farm is proposed to connect to the existing transmission network via a new switching station on the 500kV transmission line that traverses the Investigation Permit Area.

Project Phases

Investigations Phase

During this phase we have:

  • Received feedback from neighbours, traditional owners, and the local community
  • Launched our Electricity Bill Credit program for residents of the Oberon LGA
  • Undertaken some initial environmental investigations to test the feasibility of the proposal
  • Received ideas from the local community on how to best implement the Community Benefits Package
  • Held a series of community drop-in sessions and attending local events as well as had one-on-one meetings with some neighbouring landowners

We will continue to engage with the community during the Planning and Approvals Phase.

Planning and Approvals Phase

The Planning and Approvals phase is expected to take 3-5 years and will include the planning and environmental approvals process.

During this phase we will:

  • Commence detailed ecology, cultural heritage and other studies
  • Commence the process to obtain the required planning approvals
  • Continue sustained engagement with the community throughout the approvals process, including providing opportunities for feedback
  • Create a local supplier and contractor register for services to The Pines Wind Farm during the Planning and Approvals phase, construction phase, and maintenance phase. You can register your interest here.
  • Commence discussions with Oberon Council on a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) detailing the ongoing contributions to Oberon Council.
FInd out more about the approval process

Construction Phase

Construction of The Pines Wind Farm will take approximately 24-36 months.Traffic management and construction management plans will be developed with input from the community and local Council to minimise any potential impacts during construction.

FInd out more about the construction

We have significant construction experience.  If you would like to speak to the team about how construction may affect you, please

Contact us

Operations Phase

Once operational, wind farms in Australia are expected to operate for 35 years. During operations, The Pines Wind Farm will comply with any conditions in the planning permit.

Find out more about operations

Decommissioning Phase

Once the wind farm reaches the end of it’s life, the infrastructure will be decommissioned and the land restored to it’s previous state. This is a legal requirement and also an obligation under the terms of the agreements with Forestry Corporation of NSW. The Project  will make funding available during the operations phase to cover the full costs of the decommissioning of the wind farm.

Find out more about decommissioning